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Ferdinand by Joséphine Berthou

Genre Fiction | Language French | Length 23’ | Format 1:66-HD | Country Switzerland | Released 2021 | Contact Joséphine Berthou | | +33 6 58 03 44 92

At the wheel of his truck, Ferdinand sings. From the top of their space shuttle, aliens discover the music. Intrigued by the melody, they decide to follow the trucker, then, finally too curious, they send one of their own.

Ferdinand is a science-fiction musical set in the world of truckers. During a day and a night, Ferdinand crosses landscapes, seduces a cow, has dinner with colleagues in a trucking restaurant and finally meets the alien who has taken the shape of a 6-year-old child. All this in song, until the final flight.

© 2024 Sophie Dascal

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